Sunday, July 29, 2007

Poker highlights 28-7-2007

Another very cool poker night ... this is just the highlights of some nice hands and funny stuff that went on... players present : Allan Flora Sander Hanno Jelmer Hilde

Poker night 29-7-2007 The final Hand

The 6 of us had a little sit and go tournament, 5 euro buy in and 1 time 5 euro rebuy. This is the end of the evening with Jelmer and Flora going heads-up-all-in for the whole pot. I inserted some english subs / comments for those of you that don't speak Dutch.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Baking space brownies

Here's a few shots taken during the making of some REAL space brownies somewhere at midnight on my birthday ... The beginning of the vid is quite messy but it gets better near the end (when someone else takes the camera).

Breath mint overdose

While I'm sitting on a bench waiting for the tram, my (drunk) mate is OD-ing on breath mints. Sounds weird ... I know ... just check the vid and find out how YOU can overdose on breath mints too :)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Poker pkr pokering all in shizzle

Like the rest of the world .. the poker craze has dropped like a bomb with me and my friends. I bought a poker table and good chips to play with and now we play poker almost every week. We make little vids of the hands where ppl go all in and stuff, so afterwards we post em on youtube as poker highlights videos ...

check the first 2 poker vids out :

Poker highlights 1

Poker hightlights 2

please leave some comments here or on YouTube !!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The web is a web

Hey everybody... just a few pointers here to sites I have recently visited and thought would be interresting for you guys !

Minder leuk verhaal over het Paard in Den Haag :
Het Paard in Den Haag

Cool reviews of my latest gadgets !@
Nokia N800 Internet Tablet

SPV M700 / HTC Trinity / HTC P3600

Well that should keep you busy for a while again. Please post some responses here, maybe you have some interresting links for me too ?

Axe signing out !

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Alles gaat goed

Hi iedereen ..

Alles gaat lekker op het net .. ben nog steeds druk met allemaal sites bezig, vooral de Oblivion site ( draait nog als een speer met duizenden bezoekers per dag. Dat mag ook wel want daar heb ik erg veel tijd ingestoken destijds. Maar het is wel opmerkelijk dat na zo'n lange tijd er nog steeds veel bezoekers komen. Ik maak daar natuurlijk dankbaar gebruik van door middel van Adsense. (Als je ook een website hebt en wat bij wilt verdienen, lees dan mijn andere blog ''.

Ik ben inmiddels ook wat dingetjes op Youtube aan het zetten. Het stelt nog niet veel voor maar ik heb nu gemerkt hoe makkelijk het is om ff wat neer te zetten (vooral met je Mac) dus er komt zeker meer aan.

Gisteravond voor de 4e keer lekker zitten pokeren met Flora en wat vrienden, was heel gezellig en daar komen binnenkort ook wat videos van online te staan alhoewel we de mooiste momenten dit keer gemist hebben :)

Saturday, April 21, 2007

That's Whacked !

hi everyone ..

it's been a while since I posted anything, but I've gotten back into building sites and I thought it was time to inform the world of my latest creation : That's Whacked ! ..
This is my place to post anything totally whacked up from now on. Weird news, funny pictures and the latest cool youtube movies of course. So be sure to check it out once in a while coz I'm gonna be updating it a lot in the coming months .. it's gonna be a huge archive of fun stuff by the time I'm done with it. So if you know of anything whacky that went down lately, please visit the site and hit that submit button ! It only takes a minute of your time to share the fun stuff with the rest of the world.

Allan Joy signing off !